Utah Anglers Coalition Meeting Scheduled

The next meeting of the Utah Anglers Coalition will be Thursday, January 5, 2006, 4:00 p.m., at the Department of Natural Resources, 1594 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Room 1010.
There was no meeting in December.

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(Due to the holidays, the agenda is somewhat pending. Ed was trying to get Walt Donaldson to attend. Walt is Randy Radant's replacement. Ed is out of town until next week so it is unknown how successful he was.)
- UAC booth in ISE show
- Proposed changes to UAC Bylaws
- Discuss UAC position on possible license fee increase.
- UAC position on mercury (Secretary received no comments other than
what was talked about at the meeting)
- Uinta working group

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Those of you or any of your members wanting to submit comments to the DWR on the new 365-day license, the cc I sent yesterday had the wrong email address for the DWR's Judi Tutorow. The correct email address is: juditutorow@utah.gov Ideally, please send any comments to her as
early next week as possible.

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(Note: The following proposed changes to the UAC bylaws regard providing notice before a vote on a UAC position. Briefly, the current section requires a 10-day notice before any vote on a UAC position. The proposed changes do away with this 10-day notice provision, since all voting members are empowered to speak for their organizations anyway and no UAC position can be taken without a unanimous vote. )

Article IX: Meeting Schedules, Rules, Quorum, Voting and Proxy
Section 3: Voting
A. Each organization/business/Executive Board member empowered to vote according to these bylaws is entitled to one vote per action, even though more than one representative may be in attendance.
B. Any action taken by the UAC or any position taken on an issue that will be represented as the position of the UAC shall require a unanimous vote of the voting membership present and voting at an official meeting (See Article IX, Section 2 above), and only after the matter has been publicized to the membership according to subsection C of this section. When possible, efforts should be made to inform voting members of these types of issues before the meeting so they can have an opportunity to consult with their organizations.
C. All members shall be notified at least ten (10) days prior to a meeting when a vote concerning a public UAC position is on the agenda. This subsection shall not apply to elections or ordinary
business issues of the UAC except where specifically directed.
D. C. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, a majority vote of the voting membership present at a meeting will be required for an action to pass.

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Following is the Utah Medical Association resolution on mercury that UAC is looking at adapting and adopting.

Utah Medical Association
Resolution On Mercury Exposure

Passed By
The Utah Medical Association
House of Delegates
September 16 -17, 2005

RESOLVED, That the UMA encourage physicians to become educated on the risks of mercury exposure, as described in the 2004 EPA-FDA Advisory, and that the UMA should disseminate this advisory to the membership; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the UMA encourage the Utah Department of Health to monitor and report mercury exposure and toxicity data; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the UMA encourage the Utah Department of Environmental Quality to develop an ongoing, systematic, logical, and defensible mercury-monitoring program to assess mercury levels in fish, waterfowl tissue, and other environmental indicators.

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Note: Angling or aquatics oriented organizations or businesses are welcome to become a UAC member. Any interested persons are invited to participate in any of the meetings. Please let me know if you would like further information or to be removed from this mailing list. For more information visit http://www.utahanglerscoalition.org .

Below are current grooming conditions as of Wednesday, December 28. Utah State Parks staff encourages all riders to carry appropriate avalanche gear and get an avalanche advisory at 1-800-OHV-RIDE or http://www.avalanche.org .

Logan Canyon
Snow is very wet and rocks are starting to show.
Amazon - December 21
Beaver Creek - December 21
Cottonwood - December 15 from Hardware Ranch
Franklin Basin - December 21
Garden City - December 15
Temple Canyon - December 15 from Hardware Ranch
Tony Grove - December 21
Sinks Trail - December 15
Swan Flat - December 22

Hardware Ranch
Hardware Ranch Trailhead has experienced a lot of rain that has eroded the snow to a depth of two inches of hard pack at the trailhead.
North out of Hardware Ranch through Strawberry to the Hodges Canyon turnaround in Logan Canyon - December 21.

Monte Cristo
34 inches of snow at Dry Bread Pond and 46 inches at Monte Cristo.
Highway 39, Arbs Basin, Ant Flat to Sheep Creek - December 26
Highway 39 to Woodruff gate, Arbs Basin - December 25
Highway 39, Arbs Basin - December 23
Highway 39, Arbs Basin, Wasatch Ridge - December 22
Curtis Creek Loop - December 21

Wasatch Mountain
No new grooming report since December 15

Mirror Lake / Mill Hollow
Recent storms accumulated approximately 12 to 18 inches of snow and the riding conditions are improving. There is enough snow at Nobletts to ride, but there are a few bare spots. No grooming on the Hanna Trailhead due to lack of snow.

Bear River Service to Whitney
Grooming efforts have been focused on Highway 150 south to the Ruth Lake turn around and into the Whitney warming hut. Grooming east to the Dead Horse Trailhead should begin during the holiday break. The lower elevations still have trees and rocks showing, while higher up the coverage is much better.

Uintah Basin
There is between zero and 10 inches of snow on the Red Cloud Loop Trail. Higher elevations report only 10 inches of snow at 9,400 feet. No grooming can begin until more snow is received.

Scofield/ Joe's Valley/ Skyline Drive
North Skyline has 24 inches of snow at the trailhead at Fairview top - grooming scheduled for December 27.
Fish Creek Ridge has 24 inches of snow - grooming scheduled for December 27.
Tucker/Starvation/Pondtown has five to eight inches of snow at the trailheads and 24 inches on top.
Upper Tucker trail was last groomed on December 20.
Starvation and Pondtown may be groomed on December 28 depending on snow depth.
White River has nine inches of snow at the trailhead and 24 inches on top, but has not been groomed yet.
Miller's Flat has 22 inches of snow, and is scheduled for grooming on December 29 depending on snow depth.
Joe's Valley has two to six inches of snow at the lower trailhead and 20 inches at Middle Mountain. The trail will be groomed when more snow has accumulated.

Mt. Nebo
There is not a lot of new snow. The snow has been melting at the lower elevations due to the warm weather. Grooming is scheduled for December 30.

Ephraim/ Manti/ Twelve Mile
No new grooming report since December 17.

Fish Lake
For best holiday riding conditions on a groomed trail, head to Puffer Lake above Beaver. Grooming from Fish Lake to Mt. Terrill scheduled for Christmas Eve.

As of December 23, one to four feet of good snow exists above 8,500 feet on Beaver, Fish Lake and Monroe mountains. Below 8,500 feet marginal snow with emerging bare spots exist. Many snowmobilers are staying on established roads to avoid potential hazards in traditional play areas.

Groomed all designated Beaver Mountain snowmobile trails December 21. Best access from Puffer Lake above Elk Meadows Ski Resort. Marginal snow with emerging bare spots exist from City Creek (above Junction) to Grindstone Flat and below Kent's Lake.

Other grooming will be scheduled after more storms occur and conditions allow.

Cedar Mountain/ East Fork
No change in the snow conditions on Cedar Mountain as of December 22. Duck Creek reports about four inches. There are about eight to 10 inches in the Midway area.

Strawberry Valley
No new grooming report since December 15.

January 1 to 31 Camp Floyd - Stagecoach Inn State Park and Museum - Fairfield
Johnston Army Artifact Exhibit: Private collection of Duane Bylund includes coins, rings, and bullets. For more information, please call (801) 768-8932.

January 7 - February 4 Iron Mission State Park Museum - Cedar City
Native American Art Exhibit by Travis Humphries. For more information, please call (435) 586-9290.

January 7 Rock Cliff Nature Center/ Jordanelle State Park Francis
Track Me If You Can! Join the park naturalist from 10 a.m. to noon for the fascinating game of animal tracking. Learn basic tracking skills necessary to understanding local wildlife. Bring snowshoes or borrow a pair from the park. Pre registration is required. Day use fee is $7 per vehicle with up to eight people or free to Utah State Parks pass holders. For more information call (435) 782 3030 or (435) 649 9540.

January 7 Snow Canyon State Park - Ivins
Volcanoes: Learn about volcanoes and the volcanic activity responsible for the lava flows in the park beginning at 10 a.m. Hike to the top of the Snow Canyon cinder cone during this 1.5-mile round-trip hike. Space is limited and registration is required. For more information, please call (435) 628-2255.

January 7 Wasatch Mountain State Park - Midway
Join the park naturalist for a snowshoe hike beginning at 10 a.m., and learn about recreation, resource protection, ecology, geology, and history of the area. Bring snowshoes or rent a pair at the park - $4 for adults and $2 for children. Programs are for families or individuals ages six and older. Registration is required. For more information, please call (435) 654-1791.

January 12 to May 10 Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum - Blanding
John Ninnemann, photographer from Durango, Colorado exhibits his work Canyon Spirits: Beauty and Power in the Ancestral Puebloan World. An opening reception is scheduled for Thursday, January 12 at 7 p.m. For more information, please call (435) 678-2238.